Shri. Narendra Modi,
Hon. Prime Minister of India
It is 1st Jan 2020 BC (Before COVID), all of us have made our new year resolutions- think and pause for a second sir- What was your new year resolution? None of us seem to realise that in all of our resolutions there is nothing more than me, myself and I. We have made promises to ourselves, because after all- the woods are lonely, dark and deep and I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep- because everything is about us- and for us that remained our awakening!
The Himalayas were melting, biodiversity hotspots were shrinking and the country had a record of having 21 cities out of 30 most polluted cities in the world. Environmentalists were shouting their lungs out, but economic mercenaries preferred cutting down the countries last lungs. But, in all this, we continued, unperturbed, knowing that the world is dying whilst our carbon footprint overtakes the amount of daily arm chair activism and symbolism that we as citizens do. Species are disappearing, including some social animals too losing their habitats, but as long as it’s about instant gratification who cares? Yes, we can- but, No, we won’t do anything about it. The gravest danger to our planet wasn’t Climate Change, water scarcity, war or crime- it was us- the human race- and for some of us knowing that should’ve been our moment of awakening!Â
1st January, 2021 DC (During COVID)- Emission levels have fallen from 91 micrograms per cubic metre and a yellow haze to below 25 micrograms and bright blue skies in Delhi. The waters of Yamuna are now clear and for once administration in Andaman & Nicobar Islands are not thinking of relocating their citizens. The GDP is hurt, industries are bleeding, there is undeniable and unprecedented impact on all forms of capital- but for once the Earth is smiling. Rightfully so, the original inhabitants of the planet are walking free, whilst the tourists are caged inside, now this is truly the forced moment of awakening!
Whilst some have been helping battle the crisis front end, others have done their bit by sitting at home. Some have learnt a new skill, others have finally spent sometime with friends and family, some others have discovered who they really are. The upsides to the pandemic are different for each one of us, but one which no can dispute is that we are living in a cleaner & greener world. The world looks at India to unite nations, and therefore my humble entreaty to you is to for one week in 52 weeks every year to celebrate the environment and if possible keep us indoors. Because, we are not the first species to inhabit the world and we won’t be the last ones, but there is no unfortunately no planet B. Many of us have awoken, it is you who can wake up the rest of us.
Yours Sincerely,
On Behalf of India's International Movement to Unite Nations
Just another Indian
H.E. Antonio Guterres, Hon. Secretary General- United Nations
This is a very great initiative by Rishabh Sir. You made "my" dreams come true. I wished the same but could not have it done, but you have. Thank You sir! Love You! The world will remember you for this. Thanks A Lot!
Aryan Agrawal
Great idea, but would really need greater thrust to put it in realistic world 🌎 and would be possible only if great people like Shri Modiji ,for whom INDIA 🇮🇳 is first & who considers World 🌎 to be a safer place to survive & all the people of world are together & should live a better life in peace, prosperity & in safe environment would take personal initiative & put it on platform of UNITED NATION.
But sooner or later have full confidence that this would be a reality.
Sanjay Shah.